Friday, December 21, 2012

Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh 4

Here are a few more thoughts on Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh

Myrrh: prophesies of Christ's suffering

Frankincense: shows Christ's attitude of holiness in the midst of suffering

Gold: shows Christ's triumph over suffering  

Jesus is our Prophet, Priest and King

Myrrh speaks of Jesus our Prophet - Luke 24:19 Jesus…a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people
Prophets reveal and declare. Jesus revealed, declared and embodied God’s plan of redemption for all people
Jesus is a prophet like Moses
Myrrh brings us Christ’s healing power
He heals our body – His Divine work
Like Mary – present your body to Him this Christmas so that his purposes might come to pass in you and through you (Lu. 1:30-38)

Frankincense speaks of Jesus our Priest – Hebrews 2:17 That he might be a merciful and faithful high priest
Priests make offerings and stand before the Father on our behalf – He offered Himself for us and now makes intercession for us before the Father
Jesus is a priest like Melchizedek
Frankincense brings us Christ’s overcoming power
He restores our soul – His Divine attributes
Like Mary – present your soul to Him this Christmas and magnify Him with all your heart (Lu. 1:46)

Gold speaks of Jesus our King – Matthew 2:2 Where is he that is born King of the Jews?
Kings rule with justice and equity, and protect their people. Jesus is our King who rules all nations and is a refuge for all people
Jesus is a King like David
Gold brings us Christ’s glory power
He fills our spirit with glory – His Divine nature
Like Mary – present your spirit to Him this Christmas and rejoice in your Savior (Lu. 1:46)

There are actually 7 descriptions of Jesus in His ministry as King:

Ps. 24:7 He is the King of glory
Lu. 23:37-38 He is King of the Jews
Jn. 1:49; Matt. 27:42 He is King of Israel
Lu. 19:38; Heb. 7:2 He is the King of peace
Heb. 7:2 He is the King of righteousness
Rev. 15:3 He is the King of saints
Rev. 17:14; 19:16 He is King of kings

Part Three: HERE
Part One: HERE

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