Greetings to everyone who finds their way to this blog. Thank you for taking the time to visit.
I want to make a special welcome to students for the EITI School of Worship and all those interested in classes at EITI: For further information on the School of Worship go here:
Please feel free to poke around - there are numerous articles in the archives that will be interesting to any students of worship. You can look through the postings based on a date - found down on the right hand side of this page under the heading: "Blog Archive."
You will see that I haven't been writing a lot this year - I hope to get back to regular articles when my schedule calms down a bit.
Another way to access helpful information is to go up to the top left and enter a topic in the search box. Type in "Praise and Worship" for example, and an interesting mix of different articles will come up.
Feel free to use any and all of the material posted in this blog. Give attribution and pass on the connection to your mates. Also...if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask me either here, or via email:
One final word - If you are interested in any of my written materials, CD's, DVD's, Teaching tapes etc. Please go to my website: My book "Prophetic Worship" is about to be released after a major makeover. Make sure you pick up this groundbreaking text on worship.