Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Come Fire Of God!

I am crying out for the fire of God to fall on His Church - and in our hearts. Here in Colombia there is such a hunger - I am looking for His glory and His fire. Please continue to pray for the supernatural, manifest presence of God - we are waiting...

Pray for the fire of God in our hearts and lives

Fire, like all heat, rises...but on these occasions, the Lord caused a descending fire to fall on His people - it was always on a prepared sacrifice - during times of great consecration:

• Gen. 15:17 - when the Lord sealed His covenant with Abraham

• Ex. 13:21 - when the Lord hovered over His people as a fire when they walked through the wilderness

• Ex. 19:18 - when the Lord drew near to Moses in a fire. He was calling Israel to be a people of His presence. He wanted to meet with them face to face, but only Moses, and later Joshua, drew near to the Lord

• Lev. 9:23-24 When the Lord sent a supernatural fire into the tabernacle that Moses had built - He started the fire on the altar and just like now, He requires that we keep the fire going

• 1Ki. 18:38 Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal and the Lord responded by sending a supernatural fire on Elijah's sacrifice.

• 1Chron. 21:26 After David sinned, he made an altar of sacrifice and worshiped the Lord. God sent His fire upon David's sacrifice and his sins were forgiven

• 2Chron. 7:1 Solomon consecrated the temple and offered great sacrifices to the Lord. God responded and sent a fire from heaven and His glory filled the entire temple

• Acts 2:3 The disciples waited before the Lord and the Holy Spirit was poured out on them as tongues of fire

Pastor Andrew McMillan from Medellin pointed out to me that the 120 in the upper room heard the sound of God's wind before they saw the fire (Acts 2:2). This sound caused the people to gather (Acts 2:6), and then they saw and heard marvelous things. I am thinking about this sound - the sound of wind and fire that impacts everyone around us!

Join me in prayer for God's presence to come upon us in these days as a fire of passion and cleansing of our hearts.

A photo from the meetings
a couple of nights ago in Cali, Colombia

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