I recently wrote to a 17-year-old who was contemplating dropping out of high school to move to another country and become a professional musician/singer. The parents asked for my advice.
1. it is super important to finish high school. That should be priority number one for every teenager. I can remember wanting to earn my own money and get away from the constraints of my parents. BUT... I cannot stress enough the importance of finishing this number one step. The way we finish something carries over to our next step in life. If you drop out of high school now, you will set yourself up for dropping out of the next project you start. Of course, some people don't finish high school and they go on to have very successful careers. That number is tiny compared to the number of high school dropouts who fail. If you want to succeed in music, you will give yourself a much better chance if you finish high school. Here are a couple of statistics to consider:
A high school dropout will earn $200,000 less than a high school graduate over his lifetime. And almost a million dollars less than a college graduate
90% of all artists in all artistic fields will fail - even the very talented ones. It takes a lot more than talent to succeed. You will need a plan for the great possibility that you will spend many months/years not working in the music business.
There are no shortcuts to success. Quitting high school at this time in your life is like taking a shortcut to achieve your goals. It is a very unwise step. I understand it...but
2. It is very important to have music lessons at this stage in your life. Once again, it is possible to succeed without lessons, but the music industry is brutal and unforgiving when it comes to talent and ability. It is possible to be very talented, but that will never be enough to succeed in the music business. It takes years of practice and lessons to prepare for this challenging career. When competing for the few jobs that are available in music, you will find hundreds who are as good as you are...or even better. If you don't have training in music theory and discipline, it will be impossible to succeed. Let me say again - it takes way more than talent to succeed in this business. If you don't figure that out, you are doomed for failure.
Once again, it is possible to reach your goals without music lessons, but that will require a LOT of lucky breaks and opportunities. It is very risky to put your future into the hands of luck. Of all the millions who make it in professional artistic fields, only a handful will have succeeded without training and a massive amount of hard work. That is another reason to finish high school. The hard work and slogging through things you don't enjoy will set you up for the hard work of any music career. it is not all stage work and happy audiences. The work required is daunting. Sarah, you must prepare yourself for disappointments, mistakes, struggles, and failures.
3. Your faith. This, of course, is the main point, but I am not assuming that you want to devote your musical career to Christian music exclusively. Your destiny is in the hands of the Lord. He is the one who formed you and knows you to the core of your being. He knows the days he has prepared for you and the best path for your life. No matter what area of music you want to pursue, He must be your motivation and guide.
The Christian music industry is no less competitive and challenging. There are people "out there" who will think nothing of using and abusing you in every way possible. This is not a scare tactic - unfortunately, it is the reality of this situation. Just because someone says they are a Christian, doesn't mean that you will be treated fairly and honorably. it is a complicated and perilous world in the music industry...even the Christian music industry.
It is so important that you build up your faith in the Lord, that you know how to run to Him in the good days and the bad days. He will be your anchor for your whole life. You must know how to hear his voice and follow the path He has prepared for you. You need to be very sure that the Lord is directing
What you can do to prepare for your music future
1. Get lessons - as many as you can. Make yourself more usable by becoming a multi-instrumentalist. Learn a wide variety of styles of music. Get voice lessons. Many professional singers these days take lessons - even the very best ones.
2. Go on YouTube or similar platforms and look at the very best musicians. Study them and find out what makes them great. Learn from watching and listening.
3. Form a band and see if your music is received and loved by people. You can hone your skills by making yourself available on weekends to perform in cafes or in churches. You will quickly see if your abilities pass the test. Do people want what you have got? If not, it would be crazy to drop out of school for nothing. If people do love your music, this will be a good way to build your music base and learn what it takes to be a professional.
4. If you want to study in America, there are some great schools but you will need to do your homework. Look into the schools carefully. You will be giving them a LOT of money, but the rewards of studying music at the university level will set you up for life. This is another reason for you to finish high school. No university will take you without completing high school.
Statistics show that graduates from US universities who have a BA in Music will make over $60,000 per year (on average). This is not huge...but it is a good start. But...the average salary of a professional musician is less than $50,000 per year.
5. Save up some money and make a demo tape. P. K. Farstad has a great recording studio in his home in Kristiansand. If you have a demo tape, you will be able to send it to some places and see if there are openings for your talents. You will have to prepare to be rejected and ignored...but this is a good early step. You need to know realistically if you have what it takes to succeed in this industry.
These days, you can get your music onto the Web on a great variety of platforms. The costs are small to produce a video on your computer. Once your music is out there, you will be able to see if there is a demand for your style and songs. There are lots of venues online - and streaming platforms. Utilize these now and see if you have a realistic path to being a professional.
If you do end up with fans - watch out for them - take a genuine interest in them - communicate with them.
6. Enter a local talent competition and experience what it is like to be judged by professionals. You must get a realistic assessment of your present skills. You will know what you need to do to step up to the next level of music.
7. Spend a lot of time praying about your next move. The Lord will be faithful - He will show you the path to take. He WANTS you to succeed. He is for you and not against you. He is the One who gave you these talents. Now surrender them to Him to use in the best way possible.
You have a LOT of work to do BEFORE you quit high school. As I said above, talent, alone, is most often not enough to succeed. For every successful musician or singer, there are probably 50 or more who are just as talented but who don't have what it takes to succeed in this very competitive industry. Our path to success is never linear or easy.
Many things are needed
• Faith
• Character
• Hustle and hard work
• Patience
• Belief in yourself
• Connections with the right people
• Know what makes you different from everyone else
• Never stop learning
• Be authentic - don't try to copy anyone else
• Time management
• Be a leader AND a team player
• Study the current trends in music and find out where you fit and who your audience is
• Recognize that your family and friends are your best support - don't reject them for being honest with you
• Humility - As a singer or musician, we can easily become proud. This is one of the greatest "turn-offs" when meeting or working with talented people. Practice humility on the inside - the way you think about yourself. Practice lifting others and honoring other people. Go and sing for old people...Go and sing for children - people who cannot give you anything. You must be in this to be a giver - not a taker.
You will learn so much humility from your failures and problems in life - when you treat them correctly you will grow in strength and humility.
• Practice...practice...practice
Proverbs 3:5-10
5 Trust in the Lord completely,
and do not rely on your own opinions.
With all your heart rely on him to guide you,
and he will lead you in every decision you make.
6 Become intimate with him in whatever you do,
and he will lead you wherever you go.
7 Don’t think for a moment that you know it all,
for wisdom comes when you adore him with undivided devotion
and avoid everything that’s wrong.
8 Then you will find the healing refreshment
your body and spirit long for.
9 Glorify God with all your wealth,
honoring him with your firstfruits,
with every increase that comes to you.
10 Then every dimension of your life will overflow with blessings
from an uncontainable source of inner joy!
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