Monday, October 22, 2012

Ern Baxter: Thy Kingdom Will Come

A friend of mine sent this portion of a message preached by Earn Baxter in September 1975 at the Kansas City Shepherds Conference:

Thy Kingdom Will Come

"There is none before Him. There is none beside Him. He takes orders from none. He was created by none. He is Life - Self-Existent. There is nothing in Him that should be out of Him. Nothing out of Him that should be in Him. He remembers nothing because He's forgotten nothing. He learns nothing because there is nothing He does not know. He does not need to know because He holds all truth simultaneously. He is the God of the Eternal Now. He can look at human history from the beginning or the end or the middle - for all things are known to Him.

"The Bible tells us that 'The Lord has established His throne in the heavens and His sovereignity rules over all.' (Ps 103:19 - NAS). The marginal note says, 'all' means 'the universe.' God is the King of the Cosmos. Psalm 29:10 says 'The Lord sat as King at the flood; yes the Lord sits as King forever' (NAS) or as another translation says, 'Over the ages.' He is the God who out of His eternal 'nowness' spun the time/space world into existence. He sits outside of it in powerful authority yet He is involved within it in incarnate humility. He is the cosmic King. It is the nature of our God that within the mystery of the plurality of His own Person, there is order. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Or as an old Puritan divine once said, 'God in Himself is a sweet society.'"

You can get the full transcript here: Ern Baxter
...also audio file here: Ern Baxter Sermons
...and also on YouTube - here he is preaching this message: 

What a wonderful preacher, man, leader, hero of the faith!

Every worship leader should read this sermon - it is a classic sermon from a true preacher's preacher. Some have said this is one of the most compelling sermons of the 20th Century. 

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