Thursday, October 11, 2012

Praise Him!!

If you feel that you cannot praise God - if your heart is heavy and you just cant find your way right now - think about this:

Ps. 102:27          Praise Him—He is immutable
2Sam. 22:31       Praise Him—He is impeccable
Is. 54:10              Praise Him—He is immovable (Jas. 1:17)
Rom. 11:33         Praise Him—He is immeasurable
Dt. 32:4                Praise Him—He is infallible
Ex. 15:11             Praise Him—He is inimitable
Heb. 12:1-2         Praise Him—He is indubitable
Heb. 10:12-14    Praise Him—He is indispensable
Job 36:26            Praise Him—He is incomprehensible
1Pet. 2:6-7          Praise Him—He is invaluable (Ps. 36:7)
Ps. 66:3               Praise Him—He is invincible (Ps. 60:12)
Eph. 1:17-21       Praise Him—He is incredible (Acts 26:8)
2Cor. 9:14-15     Praise Him—He is indescribable (Ps. 40:5)
Ps. 89:6, 8           Praise Him—He is incomparable (Dt. 3:24)
Job 9:32-33        Praise Him—He is incontrovertible (Job 23)
1Pet. 1:23            Praise Him—He is incorruptible (Job 34:10, 12)
Heb. 12:27-28    Praise Him—He is unshakable17-21
2Tim. 2:13           Praise Him—He is undeniable
Ps. 119:93          Praise Him—He is unforgettable
2Chr. 6:18           Praise Him—He is uncontainable
Mal. 3:6                Praise Him—He is unchangeable
Eph. 3:8               Praise Him—He is unsurpassable
Is. 40:28              Praise Him—He is unsearchable (Job 11:7)
Ps. 145:3             Praise Him—He is unexplainable (Eccl. 3:11)
1Jn. 4:4                Praise Him—He is undefeatable (Ex. 15:3-11)

I am in the middle of a most wonderful "Open Heaven" conference at Bethel Church in Redding CA. What lovely people we are meeting, and what a wonderful God we are enjoying in this place.

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