Thursday, December 1, 2011

God's Amazing Creation - These Animals Saved Lives

God has put amazing things into His creation - Check out these great stories:

JoAnn Altsman had a heart attack and collapsed to the ground. Lulu, her daughter's pot-bellied pig, rushed out of the house, lying down in the street to stop traffic. The pig tried relentlessly to get help, returning to the house to check on JoAnn, only to rush back to the street for help. Finally, one person stopped and followed the determined pig back to the house, where they found Altsman in pain on the floor. She was immediately rushed to a hospital.

While doing his daily farm work, farmer Noel Osborne was accidentally knocked into a pile of manure, shattering his hip. He was rendered immobile and stranded too far away for anyone to hear his calls for help. For five days, his goat Mandy huddled by his side, keeping him warm, even throughout stormy, cold nights. Perhaps more remarkably, Mandy allowed Osborne to milk her for sustenance.

Diver Yang Yun was part of a competition to hold her breath for as long as possible in a pool of beluga whales in China. The dive was going smoothly until she tried to move her legs and she couldn't. That's when Mila, one of the beluga whales, came to her rescue. Sensing something was wrong, the animal immediately swam to the drowning diver, took Yun's leg in her mouth and lifted her to the surface to breathe, saving her life.

A 2-year-old named Hannah would have choked to death if it wasn't for Willie the parrot. “While I was in the bathroom, Willie started screaming like I'd never heard him scream before and he started flapping his wings," said Meagan, the babysitter (pictured here with Willie). "Then he started saying 'mama baby' over and over and over again until I came out and looked at Hannah and Hannah's face was turning blue.” Willie saved the day.

Here's the remarkable story of Jambo, a silverback gorilla at the Jersey Zoo. After a young boy, Levan, fell into the gorilla's zoo enclosure, fracturing his skull and breaking limbs, Jambo immediately came to his aid. The silverback stood firmly next to the young boy and even stroked his back in comfort, protecting the boy from danger. When Levan woke up and began to cry, Jambo lead his entire troop away so human rescuers could reach the boy.


  1. Uh-Ooooo about the farmer 'milking' the goat for sustenance....

  2. Oh come on!! That is NOTHING to get grossed out about. The goat saved the man's life!


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