Thursday, December 15, 2011

Praise The Lord

• Muslims are required to pray five times a day: First time between the first light and sunrise. Second after mid day. Third is at mid-afternoon. Fourth is at sunset, and then finally the fifth time is about one and a half hours after sunset. 

• Buddhists chant and meditate in the morning and evening, although there is no schedule or requirement.

• Hindus pray three times a day, although there are so many branches of Hinduism that it is impossible to give a hard and fast answer. Praying at dusk is given special significance.

How often should Christians praise the Lord?

Ps. 72:5             Praise Him as long as the sun and moon endure

Ps. 119:147       Praise Him before the dawning of the morning
Ps. 57:8             Praise Him when you waken the dawn
Ps. 108:2           Praise Him when it is dawn
1Chr. 23:30       Praise Him when it is morning (Ps. 59:16)
Ps. 113:3           Praise Him when the sun comes up
Ps. 55:17           Praise Him when it is noon
Ps. 42:8             Praise Him when it is evening (Ps. 92:2)
Ps. 141:2           Praise Him when you bring the evening sacrifice
Ps. 113:3           Praise Him when the sun goes down (Mal. 1:11)
Ps. 119:62         Praise Him when it is midnight (Acts 16:25)

Ps. 61:8             Praise Him daily
Dan. 6:10           Praise Him three times a day
Ps. 119:164       Praise Him seven times a day
Ps. 44:8             Praise Him all day (Ps. 71:8; 89:16)
Ps. 145:2           Praise Him every day (2Chr. 30:21)
Is. 66:23             Praise Him from month to month
Is. 66:23             Praise Him from week to week
Ps. 34:1              Praise Him continually (Ps. 35:27; Heb. 13:15)
1Thess. 2:13      Praise Him without ceasing
Phil. 4:4              Praise Him always (Eph. 5:20; 1Thess. 5:16)

Ps. 34:1             Praise Him whenever (Rev. 4:9)
1Tim. 2:8            Praise Him wherever (2Cor. 2:14)
1Cor. 10:31        Praise Him whatever (Phil. 4:8; Col. 3:17)
Ps. 50:23           Praise Him whoever (2Cor. 10:17; 1Jo. 4:15)
Ps. 52:9             Praise Him forever (Ps. 61:8; 75:9)

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