Just going back to the posting about the Potter and the clay – it is interesting
to note this about the Greed word dokimos,
which was stamped on the bottom of pots that had gone through the fire without
cracking and were now “approved” for use by the master potters.
"Proved" ("approved," NKJV) comes from the Greek
word dokimos, meaning "stood the test; tested to be trustworthy; of
sterling worth, like metal which is cleansed of all alloy." Dokimos
or one of its forms describes the successful testing of precious metals and
coins, as well as the approval of the tested objects as genuine.
…and this from Donald Grey

This word dokimos is used 7
times in the New Testament:
Romans 14:18 He
who serves Christ in this way is acceptable and pleasing to God and is approved by men. (Amp.)
Paul is speaking about Believers who truly live by following Kingdom
pronciples of righteousness, peace and joy.
Romans 16:10 Greet
Apelles, that one tried and
approved in Christ (the Messiah)…(Amp.)
We don’t know much about Apelles – just that His faith was tested and
proved. Some say that he was the bishop of Smyrna or Heraclea. (A.D. 55.) There
is no better statement you can make of a Believer’s life than this.
1 Corinthians 11:19 But,
of course, there must be divisions among you so that you who have God’s
approval will be recognized! (NLT)
Paul is correcting the behavior of the Corinthian church. In doing so,
he points out that divisions within the Church will allow those of genuine
faith to rise to the top – those who are pure will be recognized in the mist of
2 Corinthians 10:18 It
isn’t the person who promotes himself or herself who is approved but the person
whom the Lord commends. (CEB)
This is a great verse to follow the previous use of the word dokimos. We cannot proclaim dokimos over ourselves – it is the Lord
who must approve of us.
2 Corinthians 13:7 You
should be looking at yourselves to make sure that you are really Christ’s. It
is yourselves that you should be testing, not me. You ought to know by this
time that Christ is in you, unless you are not real Christians at all. And when
you have applied your test, I am confident that you will soon find that I
myself am a genuine Christian. I pray God that you may find the right answer to
your test, not because I have any need of your approval, but because I
earnestly want you to find the right answer, even if that should make me no
real Christian. For, after all, we can make no progress against the truth; we
can only work for the truth. (J. B. Phillips)
This is the best translation of this verse I could find. I included the
context – verses 5-8. Again there were things in the Corinthian Church that
were out of order. Paul is calling in the Church to test themselves and test
the truth of their faith – he was very confident that the truth would prevail
and stand up to any test and true faith would finally be approved.
2 Timothy 2:15 Study
and be eager and do your utmost to present
yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be
ashamed, correctly analyzing and
accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.
What a great challenge Paul issues to all of us – to be students of the
Word – allowing the truth to purify and refine our lives.
James 1:12 Blessed (happy, to be
envied) is the man who is patient under trial {and} stands up under temptation,
for when he has stood the test {and} been approved, he will receive [the
victor's] crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him.
the apostle is saying that the man who overcomes trials becomes a man of
sterling worth and emerges strong and pure spiritually.
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