Thursday, July 21, 2011

Authentic Worship - 2

Just a few more thoughts to continue from yesterday:

• Control. Unfortunately this is a common problem with pastors or worship leaders who are very concerned about issues such as time, emotionalism, making everything perfect (there is a difference between being perfect and being excellent.) Some people simply do not want God to “talk” in church. The easiest way to “control” such things is to do everything yourself and exclude the whole body…and sometimes the Lord.

The worship service can be “over-programmed” where we dictate when, and how the Lord is able to speak. Some worship leaders come to the worship service with an agenda and are determined to go in that direction no matter what happens.

While it is certainly not wrong to have your service well planned and thought out, there must be sections of the service where we allow the Lord to manifest His presence and words.

• Tradition. Often we are bound to the way things have always been done and are unable to break free of traditions that the Lord might be drawing us into as a church body. (Tradition: the living faith of the dead; Traditionalism: the dead faith of the living.)

It is easy to sink into the same old patterns where we don't embrace any changes. I know God does not change (James 1:17) but we need to constantly be changing and become more and more like Him. That means we cannot "rest" solely in the liturgies and order of service that make us set in our ways - we must be open to the living flow of God in the meetings.

Authentic Worship Part 1: HERE

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