Friday, July 22, 2011

Pray for Norway

Our hearts are broken for Norway today as two related terrorist attacks have occurred there.

Please join us in prayer for this great nation.

We are scheduled to go there for 2 months from August to September this year. God is doing wonderful things in the Church of Norway and he enemy is obviously upset. We are praying for the Believers to rise up with God's love, comfort and grace to minister over the nation.


  1. Yes, please pray for Norway, this has been a terrible day for this beautiful country. As Vivien wrote, we will be there from August to October and it's a privilege that the Lord would make a way for us to be there to minister healing, comfort and encouragement during this time.

  2. Please keep us abreast of the mighty works that the Lord will command through your hands! I know you guys are just what the nations needs in times like these.


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