Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Here are a list of the crowns that are found on our Great King, and another list of those that adorn the Church - the Bride of Christ. Each of our crowns represent victories won and character that is formed in the image of Christ.

The Crowns of the King:
Rev. 19:12 His eyes were like flames of fire, and on his head were many crowns.
³ He is crowned with glory–Ps. 8:5; Heb. 2:7, 9
³ He is crowned with honor—Ps. 8:5; Heb 2:7, 9
³ He is crowned with the Church—Is. 62:3; Zech. 9:16
³ He was crowned with thorns—Mt. 27:29; Mk. 15:17; Jn. 19:2, 5
³ He is crowned as a conqueror—Rev. 6:2

The Crowns of the Bride—The fruits of Relationship With Him:
…You were exceedingly beautiful, and succeeded to royalty. Ez. 16:13
Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.1 Cor. 9:25

³ The Bride is crowned with wisdom—Pr. 4:9
³ The prudent have a crown of knowledge—Pr. 14:18
³ The wise are crowned with riches—Pr. 14:24
³ Grandchildren are the crown of old men—Pr. 17:6
³ The Lord is the crown of glory for His people—Is. 28:5
³ Those whom we have influenced for the Gospel become our crown—Phil. 4:1; 1 Thess. 2:19
³ There is a crown of rejoicing for us in the presence of the Lord when He comes—1 Thess.2:19
³ There is a crown of righteousness awaiting the Bride who look for the Lord’s return—2 Tim. 4:8
³ There is a crown of life for those who endure temptation and testing—Jas. 1:12; Rev. 2:10
³ When the Chief Shepherd appears the Bride will receive the crown of glory—1 Pet. 5:4; Pr.16:31

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