Thursday, December 5, 2013

Psalm 119

I have been enjoying Psalm 119 this morning - just amazed by the honesty of these prayers. No one really knows who wrote this one - maybe Ezra the priest.

I am just struck again with the cry that comes from the whole heart:

Vs 2, 10 - the psalmist is seeking God with his whole heart
Vs 34 - the psalmist searches God's Word - or Law with his whole heart
Vs 58 - the psalmist seeks God's favor and blessing with his whole heart 
Vs 69 - the psalmist seeks to obey God with his whole heart
Vs 145  - the psalmist cries out to God with his whole heart

In verses 7, 8, 15, 16, 93 we can see how the psalmist focuses his heart on God and sets his course to accomplish these goals with his whole heart. Once he has committed his whole heart to God, He is able to set his will and run with God:

• I will praise - Praise Him through the Word - it sets your heart on the right course
• I will keep your Word - obey God's Word
• I will meditate - study and reflect on God's Word
• I will delight myself - give yourself to the enjoyment of God's Word
• I will not forget - train yourself to keep God's Word in your heart and thoughts - don't forget what He has said in His Word - remember

This wonderful Psalm basically unfolds from here - it is a psalm totally dedicated to the power and wonders of God's Word in our lives. Those five little foundations (praise, obedience, meditation, delighting, remembering) make the rest of the psalm possible.

The the psalmist is able to accomplish these "I wills" - look at the results of setting our hearts on the right course...and following with the will:

V32 I will run the course of Your commandments
V44 I will keep Your Law (also vs 69, 145)
V45 I will walk in freedom (liberty)
V46 I will speak of Your testimonies also before kings
V47 I will be delighted by Your commandments
V48 I will meditate in Your statutes (v78)
V81 I will quietly and confidently hold onto the Word

Father, I thank You for Your Word today
how wonderful is Your work in my heart
through this faithful companion!


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