Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Number 10 - Part 1

There are four numbers in the Bible that denote completion or perfection. Three, seven, ten, and twelve:

• Three: “divine perfection” 
• Seven: “spiritual perfection.” 
• Twelve: “governmental perfection.” 

• Ten is the number of perfection or completion of God’s “divine order.” With the number ten, everything is complete and in order - it is God's fullness.

The Ten Commandments contain all that is necessary, and no more than is necessary. These commandments are perfect in content and order. The first five concern our relationship with God. The last five concern our relationships with other humans.

The number ten is the start of a whole new order of numbers and the completion of the single digit numbers that come before it.
The tithes represent the whole of what was due from man to God, as marking and recognizing God's claim on the whole. 

Ten is the only one of the perfect biblical numbers in which humans have a part. We cannot be part of the three (divine perfection), seven (spiritual perfection), or twelve (God's governmental perfection), but we are definitely part of the ten since it is the number of completion based on God’s order and human responsibility. It is interesting to note that the number ten is built into our very anatomy. For instance, we have ten fingers to do God’s work and ten toes to walk upright before God.

There are 10 clauses in the Lord's Prayer:

Matt. 6:9            His name is holy
Matt. 6:10          His kingdom will come
Matt. 6:10          His will is accomplished in the earth
Matt. 6:10          His will is accomplished in heaven
Matt. 6:11          He gives us our daily needs
Matt. 6:12          He forgives us for all our sins
Matt. 6:12          He helps us to forgive others
Matt. 6:13          He leads us away from temptation
Matt. 6:13          He delivers us from evil
Matt. 6:13          His kingdom, power and glory are eternal

The first 4, and the last 1 clauses are about God and His glory. The 5th - 9th clauses show God's glory in, and through there are five of each. It is through God's great presence, and His perfect work in our hearts that His glory will be revealed in the earth.

The Number 10 - Part 2: HERE

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