Pray for 11-year old Christian girl Rimsha Masih.
She is being held in a Pakistani jail under threat of death because she allegedly was in possession of some burned religious materials - including parts of the Koran. This case comes under Pakistan's harsh blasphemy laws.
Rimsha Masih has Down's Syndrome!
She has been denied bail 'for her own safety"as authorities feel that her release would endanger her life and that of her family. Many enraged Muslins are calling for her to be burned alive. Many of Rimsha's family, and other Christians in the area have been taken into protective custody, or have left the area (the Christian section of Islamabad).
Rimsha Masih
Update on Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani:
Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani remains on death row for sharing his faith. He has been in prison since October 13, 2009
Youcef Nadarkhani and his two sons
Pastor Irani is suffering terribly in an Iranian jail for preaching the Gospel in Iran. He has been severely beaten while serving out his sentence at Karaj's Ghezel Prison after his arrest in 2011. Pastor Irani is under a death sentence.
Pastor Behnam Irani