Friday, January 4, 2013

The Anointing 8

The final ingredient in the holy anointing oil is Olive oil

• A hin (6 pints) of olive oil—the word, here, is charisma, or smearing on. We get the understanding of the anointing from this word. Olive oil also signifies peace, prosperity and wealth. Much is said of its beauty, fruitfulness and usefulness to mankind.

The olive oil was one of the main tree crops of ancient Israel. It was during the month of November that the olives were picked and pressed for oil.

Olive trees can stand for long periods of drought. Olives take two years to mature, and then the fruits ripen slowly. The olives are placed on a grooved stone wheel and another heavier stone is turned over them which is worked by a beam. The pulp is then pressed under weight. The oil runs into stone vats where it is then left for sometime to settle and clear.

This heavy pressing of the olive is a picture of the anointing that comes from our lives when we grow in grace in the midst of difficulties. Even in times of spiritual drought, we can still find the maturity of God's fruit in our lives as we abide in Him. Sometimes our trials may seem like the heavy press that the olive goes through. When we walk through trials correctly and embrace the Lord, an anointing will surely flow.

Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights...
Matthew 4:1-2

The oil from the olives speaks of probation by trial. After Jesus had His time of probation by trial in the wilderness, He came out victorious and started His miraculous ministry. There is a price to pay to carry a high level of anointing. You may lose your reputation by those you consider as friends, and you may even be abandoned by everyone around you. It will seem as if you are living in the wilderness, but you will be able (by God's grace) to stand long periods of drought.

Look at the list of meanings of olive oil in Jesus' life...and now in our lives:

Smearing on; Holy Spirit; Joy; Healing; Favor; Peace; Prosperity; Wealth

Heb. 1:9; Jas 5:14

Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit His whole life Lu. 2:40; 3:22-23; 4:1

How do we find oil in our lives?
Eph. 5:18—Be filled with the Holy Spirit
Matt. 7:7-11—Ask, seek, knock. He gives excellent gifts
Matt. 21:22—Receive (Mk. 11:24)
Jn. 7:37-38—Thirst, come, drink, believe, flow

Now let us get ready for the Holy Spirit to pour out His anointing on us in 2013 - just like the priests of old, He wants His priests today (all Believers are priests - 1Peter 2:5, 9) to  be anointed by the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Ask the Lord for a fresh Charisma or pouring/smearing of the Holy Spirit on your life today!

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